Executive and Stewards

Role of a Local Union Executive:

The local union executive is responsible for the leadership and administration of the local. The “job” of all local union leaders is to advance the interests of the local union members. The best run locals are those that successfully advance the interests of their membership within a culture of problem solving.

Unions represent their members by negotiating collective agreements and by lobbying governments to improve laws that affect the membership. Unions also represent their members by ensuring that employers do not violate their collective agreements or laws (health and safety, human rights, etc.) that affect the members.

Unions are organizations where the members work together to solve problems. It is the job of the executive to coordinate these activities, and to ensure that the members have adequate information, advice and funds to deal effectively with workplace problems and concerns.

President – Deryk Fournier, Union Office
Vice President – Kristy Sunderland, INOPS, Central Support
Grievance Chair – Dana Vacek, Parks North
Secretary Treasurer – Tiia Liigvald, TBDSSAB
Secretary – Matt Stewart, Revenue
Schedule A Negotiations – Pat Cholin, Corporate Information Technology
Schedule B Negotiations – Hunter Tollefsen, Water Pollution Treatment Plant
Health & Safety Chair – Mike Otway, Development Services
STD/LTD/WSIB Chair – Jodi Martinsen, CIT
Social Chair – Ashley Zurevinski, Child Care
Health & Wellness Chair – Cosimo Crupi, Water Treatment Plant
Bylaws/Research – Donna Delin, Court Services
Negotiation Chair (TBDSSAB)- Jackie Livingston, TBDSSAB
Membership Chair – Chris Millington, Pioneer Ridge

If you are interested in participating in the executive, committees and to become a stewards please contact (807) 345-9511 or at cupe87secretary@tbaytel.net.