What We Do

We’re clerks, day care workers, building inspectors, social workers, roads workers, sewer & water workers, equipment operators, computer operators, planners, programmers, cashiers, property agents, engineering fieldstaff, and janitor handy-persons.

Local 87 and the Labour Movement
Cupe Local 87 is affiliated with the Thunder Bay Civic Workers Council, Thunder Bay and District Labour Council (TBDLC), the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) and to the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). These labour bodies are the unified voice of affiliated public and private sector unions and include such unions as CUPE, the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW), the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), the Steelworkers of America and many more.

If you have any questions regarding Union Activities, visit this site, talk to your Shop Steward, or call the Union Office at 345-9511.


How Does CUPE 87 Work….

The General Membership Meeting

Our elected leadership reports to our regularly scheduled General Membership Meeting held on the third Wednesday of each month.

Our meetings are held both in person at 1126 Roland Street and virtually, please call the office for a meeting invitation if wanting to join virtually

Check back on this website or on your bulletin boards for announcements of meetings.

Every two years, the members of Local 87 elect their President.
Every year, the members of Local 87 elect their Executive Board and committees.

The Executive Board
On a day-to-day basis, Local 87 is administered by the Executive Board, made up of the four highest-ranking officers of the Executive:
the President,
the Vice President,
the Recording Secretary, and
the Secretary Treasurer.
The Executive Committee

This group, which includes the Executive Board and the Chairpersons of the Negotiating, Grievance, Health and Safety, Bylaw, Control Clerk, Research, Sick & Welfare, Entertainment, WSIB/STD/LTD and the Sergeant-at-Arms, meets at least once a month, on the second Wednesday of the month to formulate union policy.

Shop Stewards
Bargaining for our collective agreements is at the heart of Local 87’s work, but our agreements are only as good as your willingness to stand up for your rights and our determination to support you in enforcing the provisions in the contract.

Our stewards volunteer their time to keep you informed and to help you see that management follows the rules.
Our stewards meet monthly to share information and to develop common strategies.

Local 87’s many volunteer Committee members give hours of their own time to work on specialized issues, including education, health and safety, pensions and social events.

If you’d like to know more about our committees, write us or call the Union Office at 345-9511.