Collective Agreements
Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work. If you have any concerns about your treatment, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.
Previous version:
For members of sub-units, contact the union office for a copy of your agreement.
Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run.
Learn more about group benefits by visiting the Green Shield Canada website.
Follow instructions on the screen. Your Plan Contract Number can be found on the benefits card you use to get prescriptions filled.
Pensions for CUPE 87 members are negotiated at the bargaining table and provided through the OMERS pension plan. If you have any questions about the plan, talk to your steward or a member of the executive and we'll get you in touch with someone who can help.
As discussed at our Membership Meeting held on Wednesday April 19, 2023, please follow the link to receive more information on OMERS vote to eliminate guaranteed indexing for service worked after January 1, 2023. That’s a cut that directly affects your retirement security. Stay up to date with the most recent information here and on our Facebook page.
If you have any questions, contact Tara at the Union office 807-345-9511.
Cancel the Cuts Resources - CUPE Ontario